30 August 2014


Celebrating 3400 Blog views~~
*Party Mode Switch On*
☼Sorry for keep you waiting for 2-3 days for me to update the blog!☀

I took a lot of picture with this beatiful dress~
Sit Back And enjoy (∩_∩)

This is my first time got sponsored by itsooofluffy_lj
The blogshop owner are really very pretty and kind!!
Don't trust me? Check Out her instagram now!
sharlottek0h ←

The material of dress are really comfortable
I don't like the dress that looks nice and pretty, but wear it, it's look me ugly and FAT
✲However this Open-Back Bow Skater dress! *
◈It fits me prefectly!▫
I m in love➹ with it O(∩_∩)O
❤Close-Up Pic♥

If you think that it's too expose
You can wear a caged bra to match the dress,
Can buy from her shop.
>I don't have it, so I just expose my body<
↑ o(≧口≦)o
End with indoor selfie haha~~
 Present to you the most friendly and pretty blogshop and the owner~

Itsooofluffy contains tons of LJ apparels as mention in the blogshop name - Itsooofluffy_LJ

The blogshop are selling instock items, have lots of rompers, dresses, as well as caged bra!
I guess the owner love galaxy, so I edit a galaxy theme~


Don't wait till the items are oos!!
go straight to her shop to grab the dress!!
Or Whatsapp her and mention
Outdoor pic start now ⊙.⊙
I took the picture at night, cause Friday keep raining.

▷Who is up there?◀

*Hi, wall!*

▷When God is there, there is light◀

Its looks great?
Want to purchase one for yourself too?
Check out →itsooofluffy_lj
Thank you Itsooofluffy for sponsoring me this adorable dress,
also thank you for my sister help me to take picture!

Credit by  Janicrine

HIHI! Finally you reach here!
→The ending point ←

Thank you for reading my blog,
Feel free to like, promote or comment down there!

Thank you have a enjoyable day ahead!

17 August 2014

First Fashion Photo Shot ♡❤

▷Virgin experience In Photo Shot◁



☺Selfie ① #selfie
▲Some outdoor pic!▼

Hi leaves ※


◤Short & Fat TT.TT◢


▷Hi, I am Janerine!◀


Represent to you by @faithxinn

Credit by : @blxssjpg 

Floral Bustier Dress $18mail. Comment below~~

Thanks For Reading! See You Again!
Do feel free to comment & like Below~~

11 August 2014

How to make money online?

Today I am going to share with you, how I make money online!
There are many ways of make money online::

Let Us Begin~~

1. Create a website or Blog

As most of us know that, currently many companies or online blogshops need promoters or advertisers to promote their shop in the social platform. Once you have a blog, a platform that will benefits the shops, some blogshop will start sponsor you with apparels, accesories..

Some shop might pay you $$, to advertise their shop using widget in your website or blog, according to the size and how long you post there. 

Some shop will ask you to provide them with 'Code'. Once 3 or more customers provide your 'Code' while they purchase items from them, you will get 1-2 apparels.
Create a blog not only can make money, you can find your own potential in making money, also you can increase your popularity. 

Once you have around 1,000 entries, and aso the post about your own fashion label/ style. You can start looking for blogshops or companies that in need of promoter, blogger to advertise their products. Email them'' how pasionate you are, and tell them your social platform.''

2. Online Survey

Surveys will help you to earn money too.
Eg, do 1 survey you will gain 100 points, after you collect more than 1,000 points you can redeem somethings, or after 10,000 points will have US $10.
By doing Survey you can also redeem coldstorage discount coupon...

survey link!

3. Selling items

Many girls love to buy apparels,but most of the clothes only wear once or twice then kept in the wardrobe. 
They want to clear thier wardrobe but the clothes is expensive don't want to throw away or giveaway, at the same time they don't want to keep it.

The only way to clear their wardrobe at the same time can earn money is selling instock!!
Currently I am selling my old clothes on Instagram or Carousell, if you have paypal card, you can create an account on Ebay.

Do visit my Carousell or Instagram shop by clicking the pic (_twins_jj_ blogshop) or my wardrobe!!